Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Free CD Download!

Did you know that you can download the PBGB Jukebox?  Just click on the Jukebox picture and then click "Free Download" to get your very own copy of the digital CD.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Bill Brown Shoots Dave Crowden, Ken Vatcher, Jem Savage and GarryCarson Jones

Monday September 24 saw another ‘special’ day in The Shed.

Garry, all fired up after some very successful recording days in The Shed, was keen to continue to build on the great songs we feature in ‘The Garry Carson Jones Project’ which you can explore by clicking on the ‘Garry Carson Jones Project’  icon on the right of your screen.

Ken Vatcher, and Dave Crowden, both very good mates of Garry’s, fellow members of the Stumblin’ Wilburys, and without doubt the best rhythm section between Sydney and Melbourne, were, as always, very happy to lend a hand.

So we set a date for another SuperSesh.

Now it so happened that Bill Brown, who works as a Multiplatform Producer for ABC South East Radio, and who shares our passion for promoting local musicians, had been in touch with PBGB and offered to do a video shoot if we had an interesting project coming up. Well we all agreed Garry, Ken and Dave would put on a good show, so Bill locked in.

Then we found out that Jem Savage would be visiting from Melbourne on the day in question. Things were looking GOOD.

Jem was delighted to join in the fun.

So, with maestro Neil Porter at the desk, Bill doing a strange voodoo like dance around The Shed with camera in hand, and Garry, Ken, Jem and Dave working on the spot to create grooves, arrangements and all round brilliant sounds, we were off.

The full results aren’t in quite yet. We have the audio recordings (produced by Neil) of the two songs performed on the day posted. You can listen to Kumeka by clicking HERE, and to Whatever You Say by clicking HERE.  You can view the video for Whatever You Say by clicking on the title on the right of your screen. Bill hasn’t finished the video for Kumeka yet, but it won’t be long – watch this space.

Bill had posted the Whatever You Say video on the ABC South East Radio Music website pretty smartly because that website (which Bill created and maintains) was a finalist in a competition  judged on October 4.

Bill explains .....................” Music in the South East of New South Wales has attracted national attention within the ABC. The ABC South East Music web site is a finalist in the ABC's Annual National Radio Awards to be held in Sydney on October 4.  ABC South East Music is one of  3 finalists on the Best Use of Online Media category, competing against metropolitan programs. It's a great opportunity for local musicians and festivals to be exposed to senior ABC management in Radio, Online and TV. Already the buzz is that something special is happening with music in the remote South East...We knew that!”

We had an absolutely brilliant day in The Shed.

We enthusiastically inducted Bill into the PBGB Family because despite his not actually playing an instrument he eagerly jumped into this project and has made a big contribution to the recorded output of PBGB.  Further, Bill had a blast and fitted in so well that it is almost a dead cert Bill will be back again, lurking around The Shed with his camera rolling. Apparently Bill is a guitar slinger as well, so we might try to nail him down for a recording of his work on the frets.

A very hearty welcome to the PBGB Family Bill!

The photos in the post below provide a pictorial record of the day.