Ah........The Shed
Many times we have been asked to explain what PBGB is.
At face value PBGB appears to be a band. But that’s far from the whole picture.
We often refer to The PBGB Family. To us that means all the people who feature on songs we have recorded or videoed and posted on the PBGB Blogsite. Some seventy or so people in all.
We also have many solid ‘Friends of PBGB’ – all those people who are interested in what we do and who like to follow the ever morphing PBGB saga.
Sometimes we think of PBGB as a spirit. The camaraderie, the friendship, the mutual support and encouragement, the teaching and learning.
But perhaps the description of PBGB that fits best is that PBGB is actually a place. And that place is The Shed. PBGB is after all, the Pambula Beach Garage Band.
PBGB was born of The Shed. PBGB grew up in The Shed. PBGB plays in The Shed. PBGB records in The Shed. PBGB drinks beer in The Shed. PBGB evolves in The Shed.
The Shed is a quasi recording studio now, and the technology and music gear we have in The Shed is pretty formidable. The Shed is comfortable, albeit a bit hot in Summer. The Shed is welcoming – a musical burrow. The Shed has been referred to as a Men's Shed with Attitude - OK, make that a person's Shed with a politically correct attitude.
The Shed is where PBGB resides.
In The Shed, values prevail. The PBGB Values encompass such things as :
• Family first (no Rock and Roll widows or neglected children here please)
• Musicians come to Seshes when they can, when they choose - there are no negative repercussions for missing Seshes
• Each of us has more to learn. We encourage learning, stretching. We encourage everybody to sing, to write music, to play instruments other than their speciality. We like to record what we do........as long as the songs are original.
• Nobody has ever been kicked out of PBGB. Some retire, some take long term leave, but once a PBGB Family member always a PBGB Family member
• We seek out and invite lots of musicians to The Shed without being afraid we might be ‘replaced’ by a better player
• We embrace an eclectic range of musical styles – broader the better. Well maybe some of us are a bit "C and W shy"
• We allocate equal time to each person’s current pet project
• The Shed is a money free environment. We do it for the love of it.
• We seriously appreciate all the ‘Friends of PBGB’ who take an interest in what we do.
That is what happens in The Shed.