Wednesday, 24 October 2018


John and Al having a laugh.
Al's been a regular and welcome presence since he wandered into the Shed back in May 2018.

Al's a friendly dude. Keen as mustard, and a prolific songwriter. He loves any opportunity to sing and play his guitar. And he seems to like playing with us. Great !

We've already posted two of Al's original songs, Red Dress and Hazy Ann. You can listen to them by clicking on their titles in the PBGB Vault.

And you can read all about Al's musical journey by clicking on Al's name as listed under 'The  Musos'  tab at the top of your screen.

Now we're pleased to offer up another of Al's originals........... 'Sorcery'.

Al says Sorcery  is about all those weird feelings that run through his head when he's like 'falling in lurv baby".  Sorcery is Al's only explanation for  da voodoo cast upon him as he falls. Mysterious, miraculous mojo............he never meant to fall in love again. He was fine and free yessiree !

But something strange happened, things started feeling a little jujued. Al figured it can't be 'divine intervention'. Nothing like that.  What the hell is it ??

Only one thing it can be..............Sorcery !!

Check out what we made of Al's "Sorcery" HERE for a listen

Great song Al. We had good fun figuring out how to present it..........thanks for sharing it with us.

Having fun on recording day was this lot............

Al Noble, who wrote the song, sang it, and played acoustic guitar
John Drews, who played keyboards
Manny Aigner, who played electric guitar
Mick Nadin, who played harmonica
Graham Brown, who played percussion
Neil Porter, who played bass and did the production work

Pete, who played the drums

Wednesday, 17 October 2018


23rd November entertainment from 6pm:
Alice Wiebe, Chelsy Atkins, PBGB, The Jennz.
Be there or be square!

Friday, 12 October 2018


The Nadins have been staunch Shedders for over three years now.

Louise has righteously developed her musical chops since joining the PBGB fray, sharpening her guitar skills, taking up the bass (and with that copping the 'most improved' award) and offering up, with 'We've Got It All',  her third writer's / co-writer's credit.

Mick has proved a prolific songwriter, a sharp harp man, and a fast improving vocalist. Mick also takes a keen interest in the recording side of things. Handy !

So yea, all in all, the Nadins bring a pot of plenty to the PBGB table.

'We've Got It All' marks Louise's second solo writing effort. You can hear her first composition, 'This Place'  by clicking on the title, which you'll find listed in The on The Vault tab at the top of your screen.

Louise tells us that 'We've Got It All' was inspired by "some recent sightseeing & camping in our Kombi around the picturesque island of Tassie. Meeting up with friends, walking through majestic mountains, camping amidst the hypnotic calm and by wild oceans, filling up on fresh local produce along the way. We could only feel humble, and as lucky as hell !!!

Sitting around the campfire at night, watching the flames dance over the logs gave us plenty of fuel for lyrics. Looking back over each days adventures brought out  a song that we wanted to share. "

So , with the help of friends in the Shed I definitely feel like.........." We've Got It All ".

Nice work Lou !!

Louise Nadin wrote We've Got It All and played bass
Mick Nadin sang and played harp
Graham Brown played percussion
Steve Faggotter played guitar
Pete played drums
Neil Porter did the studio work