We welcome Paul Daynes to the PBGB Shed.
Paul came to The Shed via Louise, who takes U3A music lessons, under Paul's tutelage.
Louise told Paul a thing or two about the mysteries of The PBGB Shed. Intrigued by our strong preference for recording original songs, and just plain curious, Paul asked if he might come along for a look see. He brought his guitar (and a massive pedal box) with him, took up a stool, and before long was playing along.
We liked Paul's licks and invited him to see what he might add to International Hit Squad, a song written by Mick which we had been messing with for a while.
Paul ended up on the final product which you can hear by clicking on HERE Hope you like it.
International Hit Squad reflects what Mick thinks many folks feel about getting rid of nasty buggers who are generally a blight on the earth. No doubt you can think of a few. Mick reckons that perhaps what the world needs is an International Hit Squad........a crack team who can take out pests without the need to enter into a full scale war. A James Bond style solution - get in there with minimum fuss and take out the baddies. No need for armies and citizens to die, just send in The International Hit Squad!
A great idea as long as the people running the squad are on the right side. Whichever that might be. Hmmm.
Anyway, thanks for a cracking lead break Paul! We look forward to featuring more of your guitar chops.
You can read all about Paul's pre-Shed musical escapades by clicking HERE.
On International Hit Squad:
Mick Nadin wrote and sang the lyrics.
Louise Nadin played bass
Paul Daynes played lead guitar
Neil Porter played guitar and did all the production work
Graham Brown played percussion
Pete drummed
Welcome aboard Paul. We dig your interpretation of Mick's song, and hope you're inspired to stick around in The Shed.
And thank you Mick, for the song. A great addition to the PBGB ouvre.