Followers of the PBGB blog will have noticed we've been off the air for a while. Blame the Covid restrictions and a rather unfortunate equipment malfunction.
But we're back now, and pleased to be able to re-boot PBGB happenings with a new song by Mick.
'Pandemania' is Mick's take on the Covid pandemic. He sings us through his view of the impact of the dreaded virus and the extraordinary effects it has had on the world at large, let alone the PBGB Shed!
"There's a virus on the loose" cries Mick, and it's everywhere. The media is saturated with it, everything's constantly changing, and we're all a bit battle weary, even though Pambula Beach has thus far got off very lightly.
Mick brought the lyrics into the Shed. We figured the subject matter demanded something somewhat unorthodox with a lean towards the dark side. Worked out a likely chord progression and dialled in a heavy drum feel. Paul threw in the eerie lead guitar work, Mick blew some haunting harp, and voila, we have 'Pandemania'.
So, before you click HERE to have a listen, get your jabs, wash your hands, wear your mask, and don't get too close. Social distancing mandatory!
Mick Nadin wrote the lyrics, sang and played harmonica
Paul Daynes played lead guitar
Neil Porter played rhythm guitar and did the production work
Louise Nadin played bass
Graham Brown played percussion
Pete played the drums