No sooner had we posted Matt's video for 'Parbery Nail' (scroll down a couple of postings to view) than Matt strolled into the PBGB Shed with the lyrics for another song he had conjured up.
He sang it for us, and we decided to give it a crack.
Matt told us that he set out to write a song about hope. He was inspired by Vika and Linda Bull's performances of gospel songs and says listeners can interpret the references to "glimmering gold" as they see fit.
Given Matt's gospel inspiration we decided to shoot for an A Capella rendition. Despite that, we started by playing a rough full band cut. That provided a backdrop to which Matt could record his vocal track.
Once Matt had his vocals down we added some stomps, finger snaps, claps, chimes and assorted bells and whistles. We were after a rural neighbourhood church sort of vibe.
As luck would have it, Manny had invited Jock Logus along to add backing vocals to his new project, which we'll feature soon. Jock was a PBGB Shed regular back in 2016 / 17 ( click on 'The Musos' tab above then dial up Jock's name to hear her stellar vocal contributions to the PBGB ouvre ) and we asked Jock if she would put some backing vocals on Matt's song while she was here.
Well she did, and she sure enough gave the song exactly what we were looking for. Thanks Jock...........great to see you again and thanks for your spot on hollers!
That was about it really.............Matt's vocals, Jock's backups, and bells and whistles.
Lots of fun!!
Click HERE for a listen.
Matt Higgins wrote the song and sang the lead vocals.
Jock Logus punched out the backing vocals,
Pete added backing vocals (ably assisted by Manny and Graham) and a gaggle of percussive stuff
Done! Hope ya like it.