Manny has been a great contributor to PBGBisms for nigh on six years now. He brings a level of musicianship that enables us to get songs together faster than we otherwise might. He 'guides' us as to what is musically appropriate, and can knock out strong rhythms and leads lickety split.
Moonchild is a classic example. Last week, most of the regular Shedders were absent due to travel and injuries. Graham was sporting a chronically sore shoulder and Mick and Louise were away skiing in Japan....... (they did submit a note).
So 'twas just Manny, Neil, Pete and a wounded Graham in situ. What to do?
Well we knew Manny had a song in his kit-bag that he called Moonchild. "OK let's do it!"
Straight on with the recorder. Manny played rhythm guitar, Neil played bass and Pete hit the drums.
Well that all sounded pretty good, so Manny overdubbed some lead guitar parts. That sounded good too, so Manny put on the 'phones and sang his lyrics.
And that was about that. Neil took the tracks home and did his thang............added some percussive parts, balanced this with that, sprinkled some fairy dust around with a bit of gris gris thrown in, and VOILA..................Moonchild is with us.
Have a listen by clicking HERE
Cool aye?
Or as Graham Brown quipped.........."Manny from Heaven"
Now you may have thought this was a song about illicit drug consumption. Hmmmm. In fact the story behind the song comes from a music clinic Manny put on for a school for children with intellectual disabilities. Manny was touched by the warmth of the kids who dug what he was doing albeit seeing the world from a very different perspective.
Manny Aigner wrote the song, sang it and played guitar
Neil Porter played the bass, added extra percussion parts, and did all the recording and production work
Pete played the drums