Tuesday, 9 March 2021


Paul Daynes turned up in the PBGB Shed a few weeks back now, and in no time added his guitar chops to Mick Nadin's "International Hit Squad", and Graham Brown's "First Impressions". See the two postings below for the stories on those songs.


While we were putting those two songs together Paul dragged out one of his original songs......."Looking For Clues", and in doing so also introduced us to his wife Lee, who came along to add keyboards. Lee had her part down pat and seemed to enjoy herself no end. Lee and Paul have been making music together for a good while. You can read all about Lee and her musical escapades by clicking HERE.


"Looking For Clues" - the story, in Paul's own words..............


"Some of my songs seemingly come out of thin air, while others develop from a line or two and/or a couple or so chords, but this one was delivered wholesale, inside a dream I had during an afternoon nap.


I guess the subconscious pot-boils ideas, lyrics, music and arrangements, and in my case puts some of them together. 


In the dream itself I was underground looking up through the dirt, with the opening line in my head, ........."I had miles and miles of feet under my dirt"  which I later altered, but that was the view. 


The setting was like a full technicolour comedy movie of the 40/50's in the wild, wild west, with an anachronistic Big Ben ringing away, singing coyotes, clippetty cloppetty hooves, soulful harmonica, rolling tumbleweeds, wooden buildings and dry and dusty dirt roads.  And in this dream I was both observer and mute main actor, while the whole song was performed by various characters/musos as my subconscious saw fit.


On face value the song is simply about a person's journey in life and realisation of what's important.  For the rest you'll have to consult my therapist.


I any event it was a fun project with the great and patient musos of PBGB.  Thanks gang".


On 'Looking for Clues',


Paul Daynes wrote the song, played lead guitar, bass and sang

Neil Porter played rhythm guitar, harmonised and did all the production work

Mick Nadin played harp and harmonised

Graham Brown played percussion, including the clip clops

Lee Daynes played keyboards

Pete played drums



We had a lot of fun getting it down. Have listen by clicking HERE. We'll be featuring more of Paul and Lee's licks, so here's hoping you enjoy the flavours they bring to The Shed.