Thursday, 9 December 2021


With  'Throw of the Dice' wrapped up, Mick switched his focus to  'Winds Of Fate', a song he'd had in his kit bag  for a while.

Mick's thoughts on the song..........


"Ever been walking along a beach where the sheer beauty and appreciation for being here takes its hold upon you?


I have, and on this particular occasion quickly took my pen n paper out to write a few things down.


This song comes from deep within - a montage of thoughts and feelings about the world we live in and the concern for how things are and where they are heading.

The lyrics are thought provoking and not meant to be in any real order - a situation where I would prefer the listener to discern for themselves wot meaning the lyrics hold.


It was first bandied around a couple of years ago and was set aside due to the excess of material we had up our sleeves at the time. When things slowed down I was in the mood to rev the song up again and finally found the right lyrics, melody and mix of artists to do the job.


Thanks to all for your contributions"


Well thank you Mick. We like the song and it was fun time trying to get it "just so". Love your vocal work here!


Have a listen. Click on THIS


Hope you like it too.


Mick wrote the song and sang it


Helping Mick out......


Manny Aigner - Guitar

Neil Porter - Guitar

Louise Nadin - Bass

Graham Brown - Percussion

Peter Reid - Drums

Friday, 12 November 2021


No sooner had we posted Matt's video for 'Parbery Nail' (scroll down a couple of postings to view) than Matt strolled into the PBGB Shed  with the lyrics for another song he had conjured up. 

He sang it for us, and we decided to give it a crack.


Matt told us that he set out to write a song about hope. He was inspired by Vika and Linda Bull's performances of gospel songs and says listeners can interpret the references to "glimmering gold" as they see fit.


Given Matt's gospel inspiration we decided to shoot for an A Capella rendition. Despite that, we started by playing a rough full band cut. That provided a backdrop to which Matt could record his vocal track.


Once Matt had his vocals down we added some stomps, finger snaps, claps, chimes and assorted bells and whistles. We were after a rural neighbourhood church sort of vibe.


As luck would have it, Manny had invited Jock Logus along to add backing vocals to his new project, which we'll feature soon.  Jock was a PBGB Shed regular back in 2016 / 17 ( click on 'The Musos' tab above then dial up Jock's name to hear her stellar vocal contributions to the PBGB ouvre )  and we asked Jock if she would put some backing vocals on Matt's song while she was here.


Well she did, and she sure enough gave the song exactly what we were looking for. Thanks Jock...........great to see you again and thanks for your spot on hollers!


That was about it really.............Matt's vocals, Jock's backups, and bells and whistles.


Lots of fun!!


Click HERE for a listen.


Matt Higgins wrote the song and sang the lead vocals.

Jock Logus punched out the backing vocals,

Pete added backing vocals (ably assisted by Manny and Graham) and a gaggle of percussive stuff


Done! Hope ya like it.

Tuesday, 5 October 2021


We of The PBGB Shed are taking Covid seriously and are all doing our very best to keep the bloody thing at bay. We are following the rules and taking our own precautions. That includes making changes to the way we do things, in particular how many players we are having in The Shed at any given time.


Lately we have had a more stable line-up of just five vistas - Graham Brown, Louise Nadin, Neil Porter, Manny Aigner, Mick Nadin and Pete. Cuppla weeks ago that lot decided to give the vaccination push a bit of a shove. We decided to do a song that advocated shots all 'round.


Graham put some terrific ( we reckon, see what you think ) lyrics together. Manny came up with a tongue in cheek blues format.  We put them together. Mick did a splendid job of spitting out the lyrics with a definite punk attitude. Graham, Neil and Pete played faster then they are accustomed to in the advancing years, and after some not so wise In Shed puffing and panting THIS came out.


Hope yas like it. Our DJ mates at local radio stations reckon they are going to give this a push as we try to get to the 80% threshold. Get it on!


Graham Brown wrote the lyrics and played percussion

Mick Nadin sang

Manny Aigner wrote the music and played guitar

Neil Porter played bass and  did the production work

Pete played the drums


All good.


Oh, yes, we are all jabbed up!

Sunday, 12 September 2021


The newest member of the PBGB Shed Squad, Matthew Higgins, came to us as a lyric writer with a hankering to sing and record his songs.


That was fine by us, but we were also attracted by his video production skills. Matthew, you see, is a retired historian who has made a slew of videos of Australian wildlife. To take a look at his beautiful camera work, tap "Matthew Higgins Platypus'  into your Youtube searcher and follow your nose from there.


Anyway, back in August 2021 we posted the first PBGB rendition of one of Matt's songs.......'Parbery Nail'.  Scroll down a bit and you'll find the story.


While we were finishing Parbery Nail, Matt was scooting around The Shed with his video camera. He soon came up with a vid we called  "A 2021 Snapshot of the PBGB Shed". Or hit the VIDEOS tab at the top of this page to view that and a bunch of other PBGB vids.


Shortly after that, Matt sent us a link to a video he had made to accompany the Parbery Nail sound recording. Seems he had taken himself out on location to Parbery Creek, the inspiration for his song, set up his camera, combed his hair, and hooked into an on location rendition.


Take a look.


Thanks for that Matt. All good fun, and it is great to be able to add to our collection of PBGB vids. Keep 'em comin' !

Wednesday, 1 September 2021



We've been throwing this little ditty (dice?) around for a good while now, so much so that the exact origins have become a bit vague.  Lots of Shedders have contributed ideas, thrown in a lick here and there, so the feel and the music have tumbled together into what we have finally settled on.    


Lyric wise, as Mick remembers.........."Just the other day, I actually found the original lyrics I had written for the song before I gave them to Graham to see if he could make more sense than what  I had. My lyrics were nothing more than a bunch of one liners without any real story behind them. Graham came back with a whole new set of lyrics which contained only three of the original lines, and contained all those wonderful metaphors about gambling, even though it wasn't meant to be a song about gambling."


Graham reckons .....  "We were actually in The Shed when Mick and I started playing around with some words which seemed to fit a groove we had in mind. I think at that point we came up with the line  ‘you’ve got the moves….I’ve got the answers’ and didn’t get too much further, other than agreeing to pursue the idea.  I said I’d have a go at some lyrics. 

So I went home and put some words together before sending it back to Mick".


Then, not so long ago, Manny strolled back into The Shed. Hadn't seen Manny for a while, maybe a year. Anyway, in he came, armed with his trusty acoustic. We ran through Throw of the Dice and liked the flavour Manny added. Really helped lock it in.  


So on went the recorder, and after Neil had waved his wand over it, THIS is what came out


Lyric credits go to Mick and Graham, and Manny gets a tick for bringing the feel together. Then again, Louise has been playing bass on it since the early days, so she gets a tick too.  Maybe we should just call this another group effort!


Anyway, the story is a purely fictional.......the old love going wrong thing. Nothing too deep.


The players?




Mick Nadin wrote the core lyrics, sang it and played harp

Graham Brown lyrics and percussion

Louise Nadin helped shape it and played bass

Manny Aigner brought something special and played guitar

Neil Porter did all the production work and shook a couple of eggs

Pete played the drums

Monday, 16 August 2021


Been a long time since we last posted a PBGB video. Long time indeed. But sharp eyed PBGB blog followers will have seen that we have recently been joined in The PBGB Shed by one Matthew Higgins..............our last posting featured Matthew's song 'Parbery Nail' and provided a full introduction to Matthew.


Matthew is a keen video producer who has a number of nature oriented vids on Youtube.


Anyway, whenever Matt joins us in The Shed, his trusty camera is always close to hand. When we realised it was a video camera, we let Matt know that we'd be delighted to make a new PBGB video or two.


Next thing you know, Matt has put together a Shed doco featuring the current line up of Shed suspects.


Hope you like it!


Hopefully we can persuade Matt to make some more vids for us.


Thanks Matt!!!!

Tuesday, 10 August 2021


Back in late June 2021 we got an email from one Matthew Higgins, who had tracked us down via PBGB Family Member Sam Crowden. Sam has recorded four great songs in the PBGB Shed - you can check them out by clicking HERE

Sam told him about PBGB, and Matt got in touch. We invited Matt to come on down and check out The Shed.


Well it turns out that Matt is a budding vocalist who likes to write verse. Matt told us he was an absolute beginner as a vocalist, but he would like to improve his singing and to morph some of his writings into songs.


We took a shine to Matt and agreed to help him out.


Matt's debut song is called Parbery Nail. Have a listen by clicking HERE. Parbery Nail nails a couple of PBGB preferences - it is original, and it is 'local' in as much as it is about a creek that runs alongside the road from Bega to Tathra.


In Matt's own words..............." Parbery Nail began as a fun poem.  Parbery Creek is just outside Bega, and when returning from Tathra Pub music nights I couldn’t help but notice the ‘pong’ that always seemed to surround the creek (possibly from silage or whey sprayed on pasture, etc). The idea was born of writing a ditty about the pungent creek and its possible supernatural connections.  Through the kindness of PBGB members, the lyric, melody and instrumentation have blended to produce something much more substantial than I first envisaged".


Well we had fun helping you out Matt, and we hope you continue to enjoy developing your songwriting and singing skills.


You can read about Matt's background by clicking HERE.


And by the way, Matt is a keen photographer / video maker. Great!  We are looking forward to Matt producing some more PBGB Shed vids for us!  Watch this space.


Helping Matt out on Parbery Nail are :


Neil Porter           Acoustic Guitar, BassBacking Vocals and Production

Paul Daynes        Lead Guitar

Mick Nadin         Harp

Graham Brown  Percussion

Pete                      Drums

Wednesday, 28 July 2021


 Followers of the PBGB blog will have noticed we've been off the air for a while. Blame the Covid restrictions and a rather unfortunate equipment malfunction. 

But we're back now, and pleased to be able to re-boot PBGB happenings with a new song by Mick.


'Pandemania' is Mick's take on the Covid pandemic. He sings us through his view of the impact of the dreaded virus and the extraordinary effects it has had on the world at large, let alone the PBGB Shed!


"There's a virus on the loose" cries Mick, and it's everywhere. The media is saturated with it, everything's constantly changing, and we're all a bit battle weary, even though Pambula Beach has thus far got off very lightly.


Mick brought the lyrics into the Shed. We figured the subject matter demanded  something somewhat unorthodox with a lean towards the dark side. Worked out a likely chord progression and dialled in a heavy drum feel. Paul threw in the eerie lead guitar work, Mick blew some haunting harp, and voila, we have 'Pandemania'.


So, before you click HERE to have a listen, get your jabs, wash your hands, wear your mask, and don't get too close.  Social distancing mandatory!


Mick Nadin wrote the lyrics, sang and played harmonica

Paul Daynes played lead guitar

Neil Porter played rhythm guitar and did the production work

Louise Nadin played bass

Graham Brown played percussion

Pete played the drums

Thursday, 13 May 2021


Followers of the PBGB Blog will be well aware that our dear friend Al Noble has contributed some very fine songs and performances to the PBGB ouevre.

Sadly, Al recently passed away.


In May 2018, Mick and Louise told us about a mate of theirs who "is a nice guy who writes songs, sings a bit, and plays guitar". Always on the lookout for songwriters, we were keen to meet him.


Al, at the time, had recently lost the house he was building on Vimy Ridge to the 2018 bushfires that ravaged Tathra. He managed to save a studio he had built on the block, so still had a place to live.

But he did lose many big beams of timber he had milled from trees on his block, along with building materials, machinery tools, workshop, instruments, boats, cars, trailers and caravans full of family heirlooms.........all gone.  


Undaunted, Al set hisself down at the Sapphire fm community radio studio, and armed with Lou's acoustic guitar peeled off one of his original tunes....'Red Dress'. Well we loved what we heard, and within a couple of weeks we had Al come into the PBGB Shed to record it.     


Al brought a swag of great original songs, a gritty voice and was no slouch on the guitar. He also had a beautiful nature. Loved a hug. We took an immediate liking to him, and he was delighted to find a bunch of people who were interested to work with him to record his songs.


Al, always humble and unassuming, viewed himself primarily as a songwriter, rather than a performer. But we found his playing and singing to be very down to earth and honest, so we made sure he featured on all of the songs we recorded with him.


It was late in 2018 that Al was diagnosed with a particularly nasty cancer.  Despite Al's optimistic nature and determination to prevail the prognosis was not good. So we set about recording as many of Al's songs as we could. In fact Neil packaged up a bunch of Al's songs into a saleable cd in order to raise some money to assist Al and his family cover the medical bills - "Arden Street, Owl Noble".  Should you purchase same, be assured every cent of your contribution will go immediately to Al's family.


You can hear all the songs on the cd plus more PBGB songs that Al contributed to HERE

Al was also very chuffed that top local band The Figmentz chose to record and perform his song "Love Sets You Free".    


Despite his failing health Al stayed in touch right to the end and was determined to rejoin us. Alas, that was not to be.


We sorely miss you Al. Thank you for all the great songs and fun times together. Rest in Peace.

Monday, 3 May 2021

Neil's 6th album released

  "The Disappearing Man", Neil's 6th album of original songs has just been released, and is available for a listen on BandCamp (just click HERE).

"After over a year of sitting on this, my 6th "album", I've decided to set it free into the wild, warts and all.  You can listen for free at BandCamp (follow the link below), or if you're feeling flush, it will cost $7 to download all 15 songs.

I'll be posting individual tracks on FaceBook over the next month.

It's a mix of rock, swampy folk, ballads, prog folk etc, recorded on and off over the last 6 years.

All songs are originals - I'm a no-covers kind of guy 

I hope you enjoy having a listen - for me, I need to start on album 7, which should be available in a year or seven."  Neil

Wednesday, 14 April 2021


Graham keeps the songs coming.........not that long ago we posted his 'First Impressions', and now here we are again, this time with 'Just Like You and Me

This time around Graham has his political hat on again. Just Like You and Me is a call out to those amongst us who seem to think that refugees are somehow different, somehow less human than regular Humans Being...........somehow undeserving of our generosity and support. Humans Being?  What are they ?  Prize for the first correct entry.


Anyway, Graham says no...........we can do better, we can't continue to persecute people who do no more than flee brutality, terror and starvation.


It's a very raw issue in Australian politics, and here, Graham makes his feelings clear.............we can and should do a lot better! Not good enough Australia.


Graham's song came together fairly quickly. We put down the basic tracks intending to use them as a guide, but as often happens, we realised the basics were pretty darn good. So then it became a matter of what to add. In the end it really came down to Paul adding some guitar licks and Graham adding some percussion.


We like the way it came up. What about you ?  Take a HERE


Who did what ?


Graham Brown wrote the lyrics, ran us through the 'feel' he had in mind, and played percussion

Mick Nadin sang the song and played harp

Neil Porter played guitar and organ, and did some super production work

Louise Nadin played the bass

Paul Daynes played guitar

Pete played the drums

Tuesday, 9 March 2021


Paul Daynes turned up in the PBGB Shed a few weeks back now, and in no time added his guitar chops to Mick Nadin's "International Hit Squad", and Graham Brown's "First Impressions". See the two postings below for the stories on those songs.


While we were putting those two songs together Paul dragged out one of his original songs......."Looking For Clues", and in doing so also introduced us to his wife Lee, who came along to add keyboards. Lee had her part down pat and seemed to enjoy herself no end. Lee and Paul have been making music together for a good while. You can read all about Lee and her musical escapades by clicking HERE.


"Looking For Clues" - the story, in Paul's own words..............


"Some of my songs seemingly come out of thin air, while others develop from a line or two and/or a couple or so chords, but this one was delivered wholesale, inside a dream I had during an afternoon nap.


I guess the subconscious pot-boils ideas, lyrics, music and arrangements, and in my case puts some of them together. 


In the dream itself I was underground looking up through the dirt, with the opening line in my head, ........."I had miles and miles of feet under my dirt"  which I later altered, but that was the view. 


The setting was like a full technicolour comedy movie of the 40/50's in the wild, wild west, with an anachronistic Big Ben ringing away, singing coyotes, clippetty cloppetty hooves, soulful harmonica, rolling tumbleweeds, wooden buildings and dry and dusty dirt roads.  And in this dream I was both observer and mute main actor, while the whole song was performed by various characters/musos as my subconscious saw fit.


On face value the song is simply about a person's journey in life and realisation of what's important.  For the rest you'll have to consult my therapist.


I any event it was a fun project with the great and patient musos of PBGB.  Thanks gang".


On 'Looking for Clues',


Paul Daynes wrote the song, played lead guitar, bass and sang

Neil Porter played rhythm guitar, harmonised and did all the production work

Mick Nadin played harp and harmonised

Graham Brown played percussion, including the clip clops

Lee Daynes played keyboards

Pete played drums



We had a lot of fun getting it down. Have listen by clicking HERE. We'll be featuring more of Paul and Lee's licks, so here's hoping you enjoy the flavours they bring to The Shed.

Monday, 22 February 2021


Time flies!  It's been over a year since we last posted a song penned by Graham, our stalwart percussionist. You can listen to Graham's last post "Can't Take It Back" by venturing into The Vault, and giving it a play.

First Impressions is GB's latest, and it's a cracker. Just as he did with 'Can't Take It Back', Graham handed the vocal duties to Mick Nadin, and we think Mick has done a stellar job.


First Impressions is a love gone wrong story. From "First time I saw you I knew you were the one", through to "It's all so clear now, I've seen the real you" the story starts on a very rosy note indeed, only to go downhill to the ultimate realisation that "First impressions don't really mean a thing".  Another broken heart!


Fictional, of course. Or maybe from an early liaison. But we are pleased to report that Graham is very happily settled with his loving partner Denise. So,'s not about you!


We had lots of fun getting First Impressions down.  It came together pretty smartly. Not one of our one day wonders, but pretty rapid none the less.


Have a listen by clicking HERE


Hope you like it !


On First Impressions,


Graham Brown wrote the song and played percussion

Mick Nadin sang it and played harp

Paul Daynes played rhythm guitar and the guitar lead break

Neil Porter played rhythm guitar and did the Production work

Louise Nadin played bass

Pete played drums


See the line-up in the photo!


Nice work team!

Wednesday, 20 January 2021


We welcome Paul Daynes to the PBGB Shed.

Paul came to The Shed via Louise, who takes U3A music lessons, under Paul's tutelage.


Louise told Paul a thing or two about the mysteries of The PBGB Shed.  Intrigued by our strong preference for recording original songs, and just plain curious, Paul asked if he might come along for a look see. He brought his guitar (and a massive pedal box) with him, took up a stool, and before long was playing along.


We liked Paul's licks and invited him to see what he might add to International Hit Squad, a song written by Mick which we had been messing with for a while.


Paul ended up on the final product which you can hear by clicking on HERE  Hope you like it.


International Hit Squad reflects what Mick thinks many folks feel about getting rid of nasty buggers who are generally a blight on the earth. No doubt you can think of a few. Mick reckons that perhaps what the world needs is an International Hit Squad........a crack team who can take out pests without the need to enter into a full scale war.  A James Bond style solution - get in there with minimum fuss and take out the baddies.  No need for armies and citizens to die, just send in The International Hit Squad!


A great idea as long as the people running the squad are on the right side.  Whichever that might be.  Hmmm.


Anyway, thanks for a cracking lead break Paul! We look forward to featuring more of your guitar chops.


You can read all about Paul's pre-Shed musical escapades by clicking HERE. 

On International Hit Squad:


Mick Nadin wrote and sang the lyrics. 


Louise Nadin played bass


Paul Daynes played lead guitar


Neil Porter played guitar and did all the production work


Graham Brown played percussion


Pete drummed


Welcome aboard Paul. We dig your interpretation of Mick's song, and hope you're inspired to stick around in The Shed.


And thank you Mick, for the song. A great addition to the PBGB ouvre.


Friday, 8 January 2021

2 SEA FM Radio show - a little PBGB history

Neil presented an hour long show on 2SEA FM today - to give people an idea of what we've done in the Shed (just 9 songs, but all goodies).

You can listen in 2 parts by clicking the links below:

2SEA FM show PART 1

2SEAFM show PART 2